ГлавнаяПолезные статьи, электронные документы, презентации, патенты, таблицы, файлыAnalysis of the mineral component for cortical bone tissue by Raman spectroscopy after ovariectomy and its treatment with allogeneic hydroxyapatite

Analysis of the mineral component for cortical bone tissue by Raman spectroscopy after ovariectomy and its treatment with allogeneic hydroxyapatite


In the work results of experimental researches of mineral component of cortical tissue after ovariectomy and estimation of correction using allogeneic hydroxyapatite (HAP) by the method of Raman spectroscopy are presented. A comparative analysis of bone samples from non-ovariectomized and ovariectomized animals after HAP injection was carried out using the Raman spectra. Coefficients which allow to estimate resorption of cortical tissue after ovariectomy and correction using HAP was entered. Introduction of HAP suspension showed that the consequences of ovariectomy can be almost compensated for the cortical tissue. 

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