ГлавнаяПолезные статьи, электронные документы, презентации, патенты, таблицы, файлыRaman spectroscopy method for the evaluation of bone bioimplants made using the "Lyoplast" technology from cadaveric and in vivo resected bone tissue

Raman spectroscopy method for the evaluation of bone bioimplants made using the "Lyoplast" technology from cadaveric and in vivo resected bone tissue


The results of application of the Raman spectroscopy method for estimating alternative sources for the production of bone spongy implants using the "Lioplast" technology, namely, the femoral head heads resected in the operation of hip replacement surgery, are presented. It is shown that Raman spectroscopy can be used to assess the component composition of the bone implants surface during their processing. Comparing different sources of sponge bone production before and after demineralization, no significant differences were found, but there are differences in the ratio of the Raman peaks intensities at wave numbers 1555 cm-1 and 1665 cm-1 corresponding to amide II and amide I, and also in the intensity of Raman peaks at the wave numbers 429 cm-1 (PO4 3- (ν2) (PO symmetric vibrational)), 1068 cm-1 (СO3 2- (ν1) B-type substitution (C-O planar valence)), 850 cm-1 (benzene ring proline), 1000 cm-1 , (aromatic phenylalanine ring).

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