ГлавнаяПолезные статьи, электронные документы, презентации, патенты, таблицы, файлыResearch of component composition of bioimplants for treatment of gum recession using a Raman spectroscopy method

Research of component composition of bioimplants for treatment of gum recession using a Raman spectroscopy method


Research of component composition of bioimplants for gum recession treatment using the Raman spectroscopy method is presented in this paper. Spectral assessment of the component composition of hard palate bioimplants prepared by the «Lioplast» technology before and after lyophilisation is carried out. Expanded component analysis of the researched objects using the deconvolution method shows that the difference in relative component composition of the two groups of samples is seen at wavenumbers of 1446, 1738, 1660 cm-1 (lipids & fatty acid), 852 and 938 cm-1 (proline), 1062 cm-1 (GAGs), 1204 cm-1 (tyrosine), 1555 cm-1 (amide II). The criteria that allow assessing the composition and quality of the prepared bioimplants are given on the base of spectral analysis. It is shown in the paper that the developed optical method of biomaterial assessment can be used for the process optimization and to select individual processing parameters.

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